Quick start
Quick Start
Get started with cobby
cobby is your tool for efficient product maintenance: all products and changes at a glance and online in seconds. But what does it look like? Here we show you how to get started with cobby's basic functions.
You just want to read something? No problem, below you will find the step-by-step instructions for the demo.
Step-by-step guide
1. Open cobby
Open a new worksheet in Excel.
2. Taskbar: cobby
Click on the “cobby” tab in the top taskbar.
3. Function bar
You will now see the function bar of cobby with the corresponding buttons for product maintenance.
4. Load products
Click on the “Load products” button to load the product data from your shop into Excel.
cobby is the interface between Magento and Excel. It transfers all your product data stored in Magento into Excel so that you can easily edit it there.
5. Change product data
To make changes, double-click on any row. In this case, we want to change the product name, so we click in the corresponding line under “Product Name”. As a result of the change, the status of the product turns yellow, which means that the change has not yet been saved.
6. Save products
To save your changes, click on the “Save products” button at the top. The status of the product should then appear green again.
7. Show shop backend
Click on the “Open Admin Panel” button to go directly to the Magento backend of your shop. Here you can check your changes if necessary, but this is generally not necessary.
8. Show shop frontend
Click on the small arrow in the lower half of the button to open the “Open Storefront” option. This will take you to the view in your store frontend.
9. Close cobby / Excel
💡 Once you have made your changes and clicked on “Save products”, the status icons will turn yellow. You can then close cobby and do not have to wait until the icon turns green again. cobby has recognized the changes and processes them.
To close cobby, simply close Excel. When the display for saving the workbook appears, you can generally click on “Do not save”.
Your data will not be lost if you have previously clicked on “Save products”. It is only the view that is closed. When you come back, you can simply pull or load your data from Magento again and continue working.
🌟 Bonus tip: how to use cobby offline
In some cases, it can be particularly helpful and time-saving to use cobby offline so that changes do not go directly online.
Here are some use cases where it is worthwhile:
- Special price/discount promotion: You have your usual prices in the shop and are now starting a one-off promotion. Save your workbook with your previously loaded products and then change the prices as you need them for the promotion. After the promotion, open your previously saved workbook with the old prices again and simply click on “Save products” in cobby to upload them to Magento. All prices will be back to normal in seconds.
- Do not put changes online yet: You don't want to push the changes you've made live yet because you haven't finished making all the changes on your working day. Then simply save the workbook and upload the product changes later.
- Internet outages: The bad thing: Your customer has no internet. The good thing: They can save the workbook and work with the saved workbook at any time. They only need an internet connection again when they want to save the changes, i.e. upload them.
- Trainees/interns without live access authorization: You have employees, e.g. trainees or interns, who need to work on a specific list but should not have their own cobby access. To do this, load the products from the shop into Excel, save them as a workbook and make this file available to your employee. Your employee can now simply edit this product list and then forward it to you for review and adjustment if necessary. Then you can simply click on “Save products” in cobby Excel and your changes will be in your Magento shop.
Great, now you know the basics!
If you would like to find out more about how cobby can help you with product maintenance, take a look at our Help Center.
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