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How to create an own product view

How can I create my own product view in Excel?

In product maintenance, it can often happen that certain employees only take care of specific areas of the product data. In our example, someone in the company is only responsible for price maintenance and only for the products of the manufacturer "CraftCobby." For easier processing, only these product details should be displayed, which can be easily solved with the presets in cobby.


  • You have a minimalist overview of the product data that you currently need to edit.
  • You can design everything in a way that is most productive for you.
  • You don't have to scroll and search much.

The following describes how you can use cobby to:

  • arrange the attribute columns in your custom product view as you need them,
  • filter by a specific manufacturer in this view,
  • save that preset and reuse it at any time.


Step-by-step guide

1. Reduce and compile view

  • First, we build our view the way we need it. Choose a column that should be included in your view. In our case, we will first take the price column.
  • Right-click on the corresponding column to do this.
  • Select "Cut".
  • Now right-click in the column where you want to insert the cut column to the left. In this case, we will click on column "D". Note: It is important to insert the columns at the front because we will hide all the back columns shortly.
  • Select "Insert Cut Cells" now.
  • The column "Price" has been inserted between the column "SKU" and "Type".
  • Select another column that you want to move. In our case, it is the "Manufacturer" column.
  • We have moved both columns to the desired position. Now we just need to hide all the attributes that we don't want to display.
  • In this case, we are no longer interested in all columns after "Manufacturer." To do this, select all columns from "F" to the last one. In our case, it is from F to "BO." Now right-click on the columns.
  • Select "Hide."
  • Adjust your view in this way to suit your way of working best. The respective columns are just hidden; you can show them again at any time.

2. Filter suppliers

  • To filter for a certain manufacturer (in our case "CobbyCraft"), click on the little arrow under "Load Products" and select "Filter".
  • Choose the attribute you want to filter by. In our case, it's "Manufacturer".
  • Select the attribute value you want to filter by. In this case, we will choose "CobbyCraft".

3. Save view

  • To save your created view, click on the little arrow under "Load products". Go to "Presets" and choose "Save".
  • Now assign a suitable name for your preset.
  • Now you can always load your created view! 

Excellent! 🎉

Now you know how to create your own product views.

You can find more info on presets here in our Help Docs.

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